PSSA Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The  Brandywine Heights Intermediate and Middle School will soon be participating in the Pennsylvania School System of Assessment, PSSA.  These tests assess if the students are learning the state academic standards.  Below is a schedule of the 2023 testing dates for the Intermediate and Middle Schools.  

April 25, 26, and 27 – Students in grades 4-8 will be taking the English Language Arts (ELA) Tests

May 2 and 3 – Students in grades 4-8 will be taking the Mathematics Tests

May 4 - Students only in grades 4 and 8 will be taking the Science Tests

It is important to have your child arrive on time as testing will begin promptly at 7:50 for Middle School students, and at 9:00 for Intermediate School students.  Once our testing has begun, we would not be able to administer the test to your child for that day if he or she should arrive after that time.  Your child will then be administered the test on an alternate day.  We do not want to interrupt the testing concentration of your child’s peers or the standardization of the test administration.  They will stay in an alternate location until their class has completed testing for that day.  Below are a few tips to make sure your child has a successful testing experience.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact your school counselor.  For the Intermediate School please contact  Ms. Heather Kulp at   For the Middle School please contact Mr. Larry Schumacher at

Tips for Successful Test Taking 

  • Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and is well-rested. 

  • A good breakfast is not only important on test days but every morning. 

  • Explain to your child that the test may have some difficult questions, but as long as they try their best, that’s okay!

  • Explain to your child that these tests are looked at along with many other assessments, and although this might be a big test, it is only one part of the picture. 


Antonio Riggins



Frequently Asked Questions- Information for Parents or Guardians

PSSA Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures Document