This week BHASD recognizes our school nurses during NURSE WEEK! Thank you for all of you do from cleaning up scrapes and bruises, to attending meetings and field trips. Your compassion, caring demeanor and commitment is greatly appreciated!
about 1 year ago, Mandi Kercher
Mrs. Kristan and Mrs. Unger, School Nurses
Mrs. Fodor, School Nurse
Mrs. Miller, School Nurse
Mrs. Schwenk, School Nurse
What a beautiful morning to run/walk a 5K!!! Great to see so many families participate in the first annual Brandywine Brisk to support the Brandywine Heights Education Foundation! Congrats to all the finishers:)
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Ready to run
Gotta stretch
What a team
Smiling and ready to go
On your mark, get set, GO
Lots of bling
Faster runners in the under 14 age group
Congrats on first place
Smiling at the finish
Exhausted staff
In Health today, 7th grade students were asked to pretend to be doctors to nine patients, each showing specific symptoms. Students had to diagnose each individual and then they had to describe how the disease is spread and how they would treat that specific disease.
about 1 year ago, Nicole Konyak
healthy Calss
Health Class
Health Class
Today is School Lunch Hero Day. This day is designed to honor our lunch ladies and gents for all that they do: preparing healthy meals, adhering to strict nutritional standards, navigating food allergies, and serving food with a smile! Today we celebrate the difference that our school lunch professionals make every day for our children who come through the cafeteria! We appreciate our Lunch Hero’s! Thank you! Today is YOUR day!
about 1 year ago, Olivia Knarr
Please join us Thursday evening, May 11th to celebrate the amazing encore classes and other school opportunities BHASD students experience at the IS/MS building. The building will be open to families from 6:00 - 7:00 to view displays and interactive opportunities to explore what makes our school an amazing place to be.
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Encore Night and Open House
What am amazing trip to explore the BCTC and high school where 8th graders wil spend the next 4 years. Thank you to the students who were tour guides and answered our questions.
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Welcome to BCTC
Culinary Arts
High School Welcome
Exploring the halls
Meeting teachers
You can't get lost
Tours of high school
What an awesome courtyard
The drizzle and cold did not damper the spirits of the 6th graders who visited the Berks Nature Center.
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Learning about clouds
Learning about turtles
Composted soil for worms
Scavenger Hunt
Balancing act
Fun with friends
Creating a seesaw
Nature recess
Congratulations to our BHASD Retirees! thank you for your combined efforts & support to Brandywine Heights & most importantly the positive impact on all of the students during that time. We wish you the best of luck in your retirement! (not pictured Michele Moore & Joyce Esser)
about 1 year ago, Chaydeanne Kleinfelter
2022-23 Retirees
BHASD Food Happenings! A glimpse of today’s meal, the Bullet Bowl. This creation is made up of mashed potatoes, cheese, and breaded chicken bites and was served with an assortment of sides. Looks great, MS Cafeteria Team!
about 1 year ago, Olivia Knarr
Today we say a very special thank you to Mrs. Mutter and Mrs. Sibley, the voices of our amazing school! Their knowledge of the calendar, the schedule, and the procedures is unmatched. If you call or stop in the office this week, please give them a shout out of appreciation.
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Amazing Office Staff
Registration for Camp SPARK is still open!!!!! To learn more about this program and register you child, please use this link . Your child does not want to miss this fun opportunity that is free to all BHASD students in grades K-8:)
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Camp Spark 2023
Our district, buildings, and offices would truly not be the same without the support and of our Administrative Professionals. Thank you for everything that you do to support the students, staff and families of Brandywine Heights Area School District!
about 1 year ago, Carly Worman
Thank you to all of our Administrative professionals! Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
If you are interested in joining these Middle School Clubs, please sign up using the following links by the deadline. Get involved and build connections/friendships with people who share similar interests:)
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
sign up
BHASD Food Happenings! We had Breakfast Pizza this week at the Middle School! Did you know that breakfast is FREE to all students until the end of the school year? It is, so have your kids stop in for their daily breakfast. The MS kitchen staff also makes fresh salads🥗 daily for our students. Be sure to ask what the salad of the day is.
about 1 year ago, Olivia Knarr
Come join the Brandywine Heights Education Foundation at the Brisk 5K & Fun Run on Saturday, May 6th at the Brandywine Heights High School! Walkers and runners are all welcome! Please visit BHEDUFOUNDATION.ORG for more information and to register for the run.
about 1 year ago, Chaydeanne Kleinfelter
Brandywine Brisk 5K and Fun Run
7th graders enjoyed walking the grounds and learning at the Berks Nature Center on the Alvernia campus.
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Field day fun
Identifying birds
Animal furs
Nature Center scavenger hunt
Enjoying a picnic lunch
Students loved the Nature Play Area
Learning about turtles
Enjoying the outdoors
Going on a hike to look for birds
Being outside makes us:)
HAPPY Plastic Free Lunch Day! Students from schools in cities and towns all over the country are reducing or eliminating plastic in their lunches today! Today, BHASD cafeterias took part in the effort to reduce the use of plastics. Great Job, everyone!
about 1 year ago, Olivia Knarr
Don't forget to sign up for the Brandywine Brisk on Saturday, May 6th!!!!! Check out this video of what you can win for yourself and your homeroom!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Brandywine Brisk
BHASD Food Happenings! Did someone say Domino’s Pizza🍕? Always a favorite at the IS/MS! The students made it a complete meal with vegetables, fruit, and milk.
about 1 year ago, Olivia Knarr
To learn more about Camp SPARK, please watch our video about all the fun that is planned for this summer!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Ward
Camp SPARK video