Assistant Principal

Warm Welcome Back Brandywine Heights Families and Community Members!

Now entering my 3rd year here I can truly say I feel a part of the area!  The people of this community opened their arms and welcomed me to their lives and I am most grateful for that. I’ve been allowed to help the children of this community and provide them every opportunity I can in order to see them succeed. This is and always will be my aim for the students of this community because if we can build a strong community we can build a strong sense of togetherness that will help every single person and business of this community and will show those around us what we value and how attractive it is to have the culture we do. 

We have a dynamic student body that showcases an enormous amount of skills. What we value most is being able to prepare students for life after high school no matter what path they are taking. I think to get students in a position of confidence and high skill sets are important for them to succeed outside of school. I will continue to work to analyze data and try to improve students ability to showcase their skills as something that’s attractive to any employer or allows the students confidence to start their own business. 

I want this community to know that I am committed more than ever to making your students and child’s experience a positive, safe and fulfilling one here at Brandywine Heights High School. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns as I am here to help in any way possible. You can reach me at or by calling 610 -  682 - 5102. Take care and enjoy the school year! I will be here for you! 


William Ostroski

Assistant Principal, High School

District Safety Director