
Amy Yusella, School Counselor (A-L) - 610-682-5102, Ext 2011

Adam Beacker, School Counselor (M-Z) - 610-682-5102, Ext 2012

Anne Moll, Transition Coordinator - 610-682-5102, Ext 2013

Lori Miller, Administrative Assistant - 610-682-5102, Ext 2010

High School Fax # 610-682-5139

SAP Group Interest Survey

SAP Referral Form

Counseling Office

About Us

The guidance office is available to all students during study halls, lunch periods, and before and after school. In order to visit the guidance office, a hall pass must be obtained from the teacher in charge. Other services offered are careers pathways assistance, schedule changes, entry and withdrawal assistance, testing, tutoring, social security number applications, assistance in choosing post high school education, and national testing services. Students should not visit the guidance office during class time unless it is necessary and unless the student has a hall pass from the teacher in charge.

K-12 Comprehensive Counseling Program

A detailed explanation of BHASD’s comprehensive, sequential program of guidance services for students K-12 is available by CLICKING HERE.

Services Offered

We are available to assist you with your academic and personal needs while providing resources for career and educational planning. For other services not seen here, please visit with your counselor.

  • Academic Counseling

  • Career Counseling

  • Personal Counseling Course Selection

  • Standardized Test Analysis

  • College and Technical School Information

  • Substance Abuse Counseling Resources

  • Student/Teacher/Parent Communications

  • Crisis Intervention

Upcoming Information

  • 9th Grade BBEC Field Trip to Colleges - Wednesday, March 26th - Permission forms are due by March 19th.

Scholarship Information

  • Available to Seniors: Senior Scholarship Packet – Senior Scholarship Packet   Only scholarships that are to be returned to the Guidance Office for entry are to be returned to Guidance. All other scholarship applications are the responsibility of the student to forward to the scholarship originator by the deadline indicated on the scholarship.

  • Available to Juniors: Junior Scholarships – Junior Scholarships

College Representative Visits to BHHS

Please watch for a list of colleges visiting this Spring to meet with Juniors and undecided Seniors!

Support Resources
