Do you know our school has a green screen? Students love learning how to use the green screen to create images and videos that communicate and share their learning.
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Look at all those volunteers!
These students love learning!
From green screen... fireworks to celebrate student success!!!!
We are excited to partner with the Fleetwood Area School District to provide an awesome opportunity to families with Pre-School aged children! Check out our flyer to learn more about the "Teach Me to Read at Home" Program.
almost 2 years ago, Robert Farina
Teach Me to Read
Thank you to Ms. Ginger and Ms. Jane from UGI Utilities for visiting with our 4th graders today. Students learned about natural gas and being energy safe during this fun and interactive assembly. Ask your child what was the most interesting thing they learned this morning:)
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
So much learning!
Strike a pose
A little energy BINGO
Volunteer time
Friday is the last day to order your Brandywine Heights Spirit Wear!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Spirit Wear!
Thank you, Mr. Andrews, for joining us at lunch to talk to the IS students about joining Scouts! Registration Night is next Thurs. 9/29 at BHES from 6-7pm. All are welcome!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Come join in the fun!
Did you know our school has a garden? This IS helper picked the last of the ripe cherry tomatoes so our Family and Consumer Science Class could use them for a lesson. This garden will be replanted in the Spring by students and taken care of throughout the summer.
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
So many to carry
Smile and look your best:) Picture Day is tomorrow!!!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Don't forget!
The MS Student Council is selling BHASD Spirit Wear now through September 30th. Please see the attached flyer for details. The MS Student Council thanks you for your support.
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Spirit Wear
Mrs. Williams' 4th graders are learning to compare 5 digit numbers using a digital dice generator. Great engagement and learning happening in this classroom!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
4th Grade Fun
Thumbs up for this math lesson
Digital Dice Generator
What a beautiful full moon night to watch an outdoor movie! Thanks to the PTC, Cheerleaders, and Boy Scouts for hosting the event! Over 100 people watched Hocus Pocus and enjoyed spending some beautiful family time together!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Friends, music, and movies on a Friday doesn't get any better than that
What a fun way to watch a movie!
Mr. Riggins greeting the families and playing some tunes to start the evening.
The full moon backdrop was amazing!
Congratulations to Mrs. Sibley and Mrs. Mutter for being the recipient of the 2022 Commitment to Community Award. Their efforts to serve our school and community in so many capacities do not go unnoticed. Thank you to all who participated in this beautiful event!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Congratulations Mrs. Sibley and Mrs. Mutter
Student Council President and Vice President presenting the awards
What a beautiful 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. Thank you for the reflective words Mr. Kotsch shared about his thoughts from that day. Please ask your child about the man who took initiative to help people in need on tragic morning with only one manila folder.
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Mr. Kotsch....our guest speaker
Mr. Riggins...master of ceremonies
Final post from IS Patriotic Spirit Day! There were just too many awesome pics to post:)
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
More IS patriotic fun!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Our final IS spirit day wearing red, white, and blue! Love seeing all the school spirit this week! Please comment what your child's favorite spirit day was and please share what new spirit days you would like to see later in the year:)
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Friday is our annual 9/11 Ceremony. Wear red, white, and blue for our final day of Spirit Week!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
Friday Spirit Day
IS students supporting childhood cancer by wearing gold for Spirit Week!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
IS students are shining with school spirit!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
More Neon Day Fun!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward
The future is so bright for these IS students!!! Photo booth fun on Neon Spirit Day:)
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Ward