Student Handbook
Click to download the ES Student Parent Handbook
Grading Scale
Grading in Skills-Based Report Cards
A skills based reporting system is designed to inform parents/guardians about their children’s progress toward specific learning standards set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and adopted by the District.
A variety of tools may be used to gather evidence of student performance including traditional assessments, teacher observations, and student work. The following are used on the student’s report card to indicate the level of performance in relation to the skills.
4 - A student earning a 4 independently uses and applies knowledge in ways that demonstrate higher level thinking skills in a variety of settings. Typically, few students perform at this level.
3 - A student earning a 3 consistently demonstrates an understanding of grade level skills and concepts and requires minimal support. A 3 throughout the school year indicates strong, excellent work at grade level. The 3 mark is the goal for the grade level and should be celebrated.
2 - A student earning a 2 has not yet met the standard, but is progressing toward achieving skills and learning end-of-year concepts. Some support or intervention from teachers and parents is needed; however, a 2 indicates ongoing growth. A 2 can also represent a student being introduced to this skill.
1 - A student earning a 1 is currently not meeting grade level standards. The student demonstrates a lack of understanding and an inability to apply concepts. A 1 indicates minimal growth and the student requires significant intervention from teachers and parents.
NA- Not Assessed