Be Kind for Kindness Week

February is Random Acts of Kindness Month, and the BHES monthly character trait will be "Kindness." We will be celebrating with a spirit week from 2/13 - 2/17. 

Monday the 13th - “Dreaming of Kindness”  Wear Pajamas

Act of Kindness- Thank a Staff Member

Tuesday the 14th - “Be Kind and Love Yourself” Wear Red

Act of Kindness- Be Kind to Yourself and Reflect on Your Greatest Qualities

Wednesday the 15th- “Kindness Ties Us Together”  Wear Tie Dye or a Tie

Act of Kindness- Say Good Morning to 15 People


Thursday the 16th- “Words That Hurt Cannot Be Taken Back” Wear Shirt Backwards

Act of Kindness- Give Someone a Compliment or Multiple”


Friday the 17th- “Crazy for Kindness” Wear Crazy Socks

Act of Kindness- See Below

Friday is the official Random Acts of Kindness Day, when we will be doing a school-wide activity with students. High school student volunteers will rotate between classes (9:00 - 11:00), about 30 minutes per class, helping students trace their handprints, cut them out, and draw or write one act of kindness they plan on trying at school. The handprints will then be made into a mural to display in the cafeteria.