February is Random Acts of Kindness Month, when the BHES monthly character trait will be "Kindness." We will be celebrating with a spirit week from 2/13 - 2/17. In addition to dressing up for spirit week, teachers are encouraged to discuss the corresponding daily "Acts of Kindness" with their students:
Monday the 13th - “Dreaming of Kindness” Wear Pajamas
Act of Kindness- Thank a Staff Member
Tuesday the 14th - “Be Kind and Love Yourself” Wear Red
Act of Kindness- Be Kind to Yourself and Reflect on Your Greatest Qualities
Wednesday the 15th- “Kindness Ties Us Together” Wear Tie Dye or a Tie
Act of Kindness- Say Good Morning to 15 People
Thursday the 16th- “Words That Hurt Cannot Be Taken Back” Wear Shirt Backwards
Act of Kindness- Give Someone a Compliment or Multiple”
Friday the 17th- “Crazy for Kindness” Wear Crazy Socks
Act of Kindness- See Below