Mr. Sheeler’s Wood I class had time to work on individual projects today!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
Ms. Miller’s Foundation’s of Art class creating prints!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
In Mr. Kistler's class, students are participating in the Budget Challenge. This challenge is a real-world financial simulation where students learn to manage finances. Unexpected events such as an accident help students understand the role of insurance and an emergency fund.
about 3 years ago, Mandi Kercher
Resume writing with Mr. Kistler
Budget Challenge with Mr. Kistler
Unified Bocce Senior Day! Bullets vs. Eagles. Good luck to all athletes and go Bullets!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
Students in Mrs. Lasewicz’s Chemistry class explore the relationship between the mass and moles of a substance.
about 3 years ago, Carly Worman
group of students in a chem lab show their enthusiasm for science.
a group of students observe the measurement on a balance.
a group of student work through a rotation in a chemistry lab.
Algebra students working on identifying points and graphing. #mathwizards
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
Telecom students prepping for a Valentine’s Day feature on BBN!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
Due to the forecasted icy conditions, Friday, February 4, 2022 will be a FULL VIRTUAL DAY.
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
Virtual Learning Day Icon will always hold a special place in my heart, just as it does for some of our students in Mrs. Lasewicz’s class this February!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
Good Evening, This is a message from the Brandywine Heights Area School District. To help families best prepare for tomorrow morning, I wanted to send a message out this evening with an update on the status of school tomorrow. Based on the forecast for snow overnight and tomorrow morning, the Brandywine Heights Area School District will be holding a Virtual Snow Day on Thursday, January 20, 2022. While there is not a large amount of snow expected, the timing of the event with bus transportation in the morning is very problematic. Normally busses leave around 6:00 AM. A two hour delay would put busses on the road at 8:00 AM. The forecast is targeting the early to mid morning with continued snow. The decision to make the call this evening is to help families better prepare for tomorrow instead of trying to figure out schedules early in the morning. The following is pertinent schedule information for the virtual snow day. • A Full Day Virtual Schedule will be implemented tomorrow which will mirror a regular school day for all students. • BCTC students will also be following a virtual schedule with no in person instruction. • For more building-specific information relative to schedules, please see the website or pictures • Physical Offices will be closed; however office staff will be working remotely and will be available. Thank you, Andrew Potteiger Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Matthew Dziunycz
Virtual Schedule
Virtual Schedule
Due to the forecasted weather, Thursday, January 20, 2022 will be a FULL VIRTUAL DAY. For more information, visit
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
Virtual Learning Icon
Good Evening, This is a message from the Brandywine Heights Area School District. To help families prepare for tomorrow morning I wanted to send a message out this evening with an update on the status of school tomorrow. The School District will be operating under a two hour delay for tomorrow, January 18th. Road conditions vary throughout the district but there are many areas with snowpack and icy roads. A two hour delay will allow additional time for roads to be treated where necessary and a safer travel in daylight. Please stay safe and warm this evening, Andrew Potteiger
about 3 years ago, Matthew Dziunycz
Due to icy road conditions, BHASD will be operating on a 2-hour delay schedule on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
2-Hr Delay Icon
To help any student who is thinking of taking the SAT, or to help them prepare, one of our incredible NHS Senior students has created this website to assist them. Check it out if you are thinking of taking the SAT exam. Proud of our students!
about 3 years ago, Matthew Dziunycz
BHASD will be operating on a 2-hour delay schedule on Monday, January 10, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
2 hr delay icon
Due to the freezing rain in the area, all BHASD school buildings are CLOSED on Sunday, January 9, 2022. All activities are CANCELED.
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
Weather Alert
Due to the forecasted snow overnight, Friday, January 7, 2022 will be a FULL VIRTUAL DAY. For more information, visit
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
Virtual Day Icon
We are excited to announce, hot off the press, the Winter 2021 edition of our BulletPOINTS newsletter has just been released! Please take a few minutes to read all about the amazing things happening in our schools!
about 3 years ago, Thomas Voelker
BulletPOINTS Newsletter
Congratulations to the winners of our Holiday Door Decorating Contest, Ms. Angstadt’s 10th Grade Homeroom! Their prize will be a pancake breakfast prepared by Mr. Barnhart and Mr. Dziunycz!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart
BHHS 2021 Winter Concert has been two years in the making! Excellent performance!
about 3 years ago, Jamison Barnhart