Business Office Banner

Ms. Nicole L. DelGuerico
Business Manager
610.682.5100 x1300

Mrs. Andrea Hartline
Business Office & Benefits Specialist
610.682.5100 x1302

Ms. Bonnie Moyer
Accounts Payable Specialist
610.682.5100 x1304

Mrs. Nicole Reichard
Assistant to the Business Manager
610.682.5100 x1303

Mrs. Katharine Ege
Human Resources Specialist
610.682.5100 x1308

Mrs. Paige Kowolewski
Transportation & Food Service Coordinator
610.682.5100 x1305

Ms. Shannon Coscia
Payroll Specialist
610.682.5100 x1301

Business Department


The Business Department, located within the Intermediate/Middle School, is dedicated to providing support and fiscal guidance to school administration and staff so they may focus on addressing the academic and extracurricular needs of our students. Within the Business Office, the Department providing fiscal, budget preparation/management, employee benefit, Federal/State reimbursement reporting, financial accounting, investment management, payroll processing, human resources, purchasing, risk management, and tax administration services. In addition the Food Service Program, Student Transportation Specialist and Director of Buildings and Grounds report to the Business Manager.

Visit the Human Resources & Benefits Page
Visit the Transportation Services Page
Visit the Food Services Page