Contact Us:
Elementary School
Mrs. Leah Gehringer, M.Ed., BSN, RN, CSN
610.682.5100 x4005
Fax: 610.682.5176
Mrs. Meredith Rader, LPN
610-682-5100 x4004
Fax: 610.682.5176
Intermediate School/Middle School
Ms. Jennifer Fodor, RN, CSN, MS
610.682.5100 x3012
Fax: 610.682.5105
Ms. Rebecca Andreoni, RN
610.682.5100 x3013
Fax: 610.682.5105
High School
Mrs. Leah Gehringer, M.Ed., BSN, RN, CSN
610.682.5100 x2020
Fax: 610.682.5139
Mrs. Victoria Miller, LPN
610.682.5100 x2020
Fax: 610.682.5139
Health Services
Health Room Visits
Your child’s health & wellness is the primary concern of the school nurse. Healthy children are successful learners. While the care and safekeeping of every student is primarily the responsibility of the parent/guardian, a school nurse is available to assist in the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process.
For minor injuries or illnesses occurring while under school supervision, such as bruises, small lacerations, contusions, stomach aches, headaches, etc. the student may be referred to the school nurse.
The primary duty of the nurse is not the diagnosis of illness or treatment of injuries sustained while a student is at home. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to see that a qualified physician gives this care. Students should not be sent to school with a known illness or injury and then request that the school nurse examine the student and prescribe treatment. Only a licensed physician can legally do this function.
In the event that your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, the school will take every measure to contact the parent/guardian and send the child home so that he/she may benefit from whatever medical treatment is required as soon as possible. Such emergencies do not present themselves too frequently. However, it has been noted that some children appear ill when they arrive at school. A child who is ill will not be able to learn and may infect others. Parents should check for unusual skin eruptions, fever, persistent cough or sore throat, headache, chills, swollen glands, discharge or redness of eyes, vomiting or diarrhea and seek proper medical attention.
A nurse will be available during your child’s school day for injuries and illnesses that occur during the school day.
When your child is not feeling well, please take the time to assess whether your child should come to school or stay at home. Please do not send them to school ill. This may jeopardize the health of other students. If you decide to send your child to school, there are PA State Guidelines the nurse follows, and based on the nurse’s assessment she will determine if the child may remain or is too ill to stay in school. A parent will be notified if the nurse assesses the need for your child to go home or need further medical attention.
Student Medication
The nurses are able to administer medication to your child with the appropriate online forms completed and signed. A medication administration form will be sent home on the first day of school every year. Medications the nurses can provide are listed on the online PowerSchool registration pages. Once the registration process online has been completed the nurses can administer those medications as needed when your child may require it during the school day.
Any other medication, including-over-the counter medication, will require completion of the medication administration form signed by both parent and your child’s physician. Medication administration forms be found on the BHASD website Health Services pages. Keep the medication form in a safe place in case your child needs either over-the-counter or prescription medication during school hours. Students should not carry any medications including over-the-counter drugs with them during the day. Asthma Inhalers and Epinephrine pens are the only exception and a physician must complete a medication form stating the student is permitted to carry and self-administer the inhaler, and the student must demonstrate initially to the school nurse proper use of the prescribed inhaler.
We prefer that parents bring to school any medication their child may need during the school day and deliver it to the school nurse. If a parent believes their child may need medication during the day and allows them to bring it to school, the medication should be taken to the nurse upon their immediate arrival to school.
Mandated Annual Health Screenings
All students receive annual height, weight, BMI, and vision screenings.
Hearing Screenings – Kdg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, & 11th
Scoliosis Screenings – 6th & 7th grade
Physical Exams – Kdg, 6th grade, & 11th grade
Dental Exams – Kdg, 3rd grade & 7th grade
Parents may choose to have either a school exam or an exam performed by their child’s private physician. School exams are performed only one day during the school year. All private forms must be signed and completed by your child’s physician and returned to the school nurse during the mandated year. Due to insurance reasons, any exam completed within one year prior to the mandated school year will also be accepted.
Student Immunizations
All immunization requirements must be met prior to the first day of school to avoid exclusion of your child from school. Your child may be admitted provisionally if proof of at least one dose of the required immunizations has been administered. If the requirements have not been met after the provisional period, your child will be excluded from school until documentation of the required immunization has been received. A copy of an official immunization record or note from your child’s physician must be provided. Students, who have not been properly immunized or have requested an immunization waiver based on religious or medical reasons, will be excluded from school in the event there is a documented case of a reportable disease during the school year.
Sunscreen Protection Law
In October 2018, the Pennsylvania School Code was amended to include a section on Sun Protection Measures for Students. Section 1414.10 states that a school entity shall allow the application of sunscreen during school hours, at a school-sponsored activity, or while under the supervision of school personnel. Review the full legislation, which is available on the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s website:
Parents/guardians may choose to supply their child with non-aerosol topical sunscreen, if it is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Parents/guardians and students must complete, sign, and submit a Sunscreen Permission Form annually when completing the PowerSchool registration online for their child to apply sunscreen during school hours, at a school-sponsored activity, or while under the supervision of school personnel.
A school may cancel or restrict the possession, application, or use of a non-aerosol topical sunscreen product by a student if any of the following occurs:
The student fails to comply with school rules concerning the possession, application, or use of the non-aerosol topical sunscreen product.
The student shows an unwillingness or inability to safeguard the non-aerosol topical sunscreen product from access by other students.
School Health Services Forms