New Student Registration
To register your student(s) please click green button below!
Mrs. Maria Winkler
How To Register a Student
Welcome to the Brandywine Heights Area School District! We have digitized our registration process to help streamline the process and save you time. Please follow the steps below to complete the registration process.
Step 1 - Complete the Digital Paperwork
Please use the following link to create an account with Infinite Campus.
Once your account is created, an email will be sent providing you access to fill out the online enrollment forms.
Simply use the “save and continue” buttons at the bottom of each section to navigate through the forms. After your electronic signature (final section), please click “save and continue” one more time until you reach the “submit” button to complete registration.
You are welcome to email at any time for more information!
Step 2 - Required Documents for Registration
When completing the digital paperwork, you will be asked to upload the following required documents for registration. We look forward to welcoming you to Brandywine Heights!
Proof of Age
Any of the following official documents may be used for Proof of Age; only one is required:
Original or certified copy of Birth Certificate or Adoption Decree, Certification of Birth Abroad, court order, passport or similar legal instrument specifying the student’s name, sex, birth date, and parent/guardian’s name(s).
Immunization Record or Medical Exemption Form
Please provide the Immunization Requirements form or the Medical Exemption form.
Proof of Residency
Two documents from the list below are required for Proof of Residency:
Agreement of sale to purchase a home
Rental lease agreement
Tax bill
Utility bill within the past 45 days (electric, cable, home phone/cell phone)
Change of address verification from the post office
Letter from the PA Department of Public Welfare
If you are residing in a homeless shelter, please provide a letter from the shelter or
agency that is working with you.
If you are living with someone we need a notarized letter stating with whom you are living
with and a copy of their tax bill or rental agreement.
Report Card/Transcript
Most recent report card/transcript from previous school, unless registering for kindergarten.
School Information
We will need the previous school’s:
Phone number
Fax number
Special Education Paperwork
If your child received special education services in his/her previous district, please provide a copy of your child’s most recent IEP, NOREP and most recent ER (evaluation report).
Custody Agreement
If applicable we will need the custody agreement.
**PLEASE NOTE: Elementary is K-3, Intermediate is 4-5, Middle School is 6-8, and High School is 9-12.
If you are transferring a student from another district you will be required to fill out a Request for Student Records Form.
If you are not the child’s parent, or you have sole custody, please provide proof of custody (court order).