How to get in touch with us:
If you need to schedule or change your children's transportation.

Brandywine School District Transportation Department
Email or call (610) 682-5143. Hours are 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
If your child left something on the bus or you have a driver concern.

Krise Transportation | After Hours Emergency
School bus drivers and the transportation company do not have the authority to change or create a bus stop or to change a bus route.
Email or call (484)641-8880 to speak with someone on duty.
Welcome to the Brandywine Heights Area School District Transportation Department!
The school district contracts with Krise Transportation, Inc. for busing arrangements. The collaborative arrangement serves the students in the district well and meets the varying needs of transportation for the school district. All the bus drivers are employees of Krise Transportation, Inc. and are properly certified. Krise Transportation has a supervisor assigned to our district who we work closely with on a daily basis. We report any problems with the drivers, buses, etc. to that supervisor.
The school district has district owned vans and may utilize them to transport students to alternative education programs, athletic events, and for special transportation needs. Van drivers are Brandywine Heights Area School District employees and report to our transportation coordinator.
An overview of our Transportation program was provided to the Board of School Directors on February 3, 2020. View the presentation here.
Where Do I Find The Bus Information For My Child?
Transportation will be provided only for students who live more than one and one half (1-1/2) miles from school by the nearest public highway. The district does provide multiple communal bus stop locations for students living in the Borough.
Please log into your parent portal. On the left side under the More tab will be where you can find the transportation information for your child.
Any new update to the transportation information can take 24-48 hours to be viewable in the Campus account.
Guidelines for Bus Stop Location Changes
All pick-up and drop-off locations must be located within the school district. No request for a bus stop change will be granted which causes the District to incur additional expense. All requests for a permanent route or stop change must be made at least five (5) working days in advance of the beginning date of the proposed change.
When your change has been approved, parents are asked to send a follow-up note regarding the change to their child’s school office.
School bus drivers and the transportation company do not have the authority to change or create a bus stop or to change a bus route.
Release My Seat/School Bus Waiver
As part of the school district’s many cost saving efforts, we are asking parents/guardians of transportation eligible children to notify the school district if their child/children will not be using bus transportation so we can plan our bus routes and bus seats accordingly.
If your child/children will not be using the bus transportation throughout the year, due to the student driving to school, carpooling with neighbors, etc. please complete the form below certifying that you are waiving your child/children’s seat(s) on the school bus for next year.
High School students waiving transportation and driving to school are eligible for a free parking pass.
If you are requesting a bus waiver please click on the google form below.
Notice of Policy 810.2 Transportation – Video/Audio Recordings
Brandywine Heights Area School District has adopted a Policy No. 810.2 authorizing audio interception on school buses or school vehicles for disciplinary and security purposes. Video and audio monitoring and recording devices may be installed on all District buses and vehicles, including contracted vehicles. By riding on District buses and vehicles, students may be recorded. The recorder installed in the vehicle is accessible to authorized district personnel only. A warning notice is posted in each vehicle notifying passengers that their actions on the vehicle may be recorded.
For a complete copy of Policy 810.2, please visit our policies.