Communal Bus Stops

Communal Bus Stop Locations and Times

Bus Stop Location

Bus #

HS/MS Stop Times

IS/ES Stop Times

Charles & State St




Brandywine ES ( HS/MS PM)




Haas & Hemlock (Topton Legion)




504 N. Main St (Topton Car Wash)




Communal Bus Stop Rules

  • Policing bus stops and the supervision of students between residence and bus stops is the parent’s responsibility.

  • Students should be at the communal bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled time. If the student is not at the bus stop when the bus arrives, the driver is not required to wait.

  • Student behavior on the bus is expected to be the same as in the classroom. To report behavior concerns, please contact your building principal.

  • Kindergarten students must be met by a parent or designated person(s) for them to be released from the bus. Written parental consent may be submitted to the district allowing kindergarten students to be released with an older sibling that rides the same bus.

  • When students are at their designated stop waiting for the bus, they should obey safety rules and not stand or play in the road. Students should also respect the property of others.

  • Item’s that do not fit on the child’s lap may not be taken on the bus.

  • Students are responsible for all personal belongings on the bus. Brandywine Heights and our transportation provider(s) accept no liability for personal items.

  • It is imperative that contact information for the parent(s)/guardian(s) and emergency contacts is updated on a regular basis.

Lost Articles

For items lost or left on the bus, please contact Krise Transportation at 484-641-8880.

Communal Bus Rules

  1. Students must obey the bus driver.

  2. Students should not approach the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the red lights, stop sign and crossing gate are activated and all traffic has stopped.

  3. Students are to enter the bus using the handrail and take a seat without delay and without disturbing other passengers. Seatbelts must be worn if the vehicle is equipped with them.

  4. The bus driver may choose to assign seats to students riding on the bus.

  5. Students are to remain in their seats until the bus comes to a complete stop at their destination.

  6. Students are to use a “Quiet Voice” when talking on the bus. Shouting, yelling, foul or profane language will not be tolerated.

  7. Offensive gestures or behavior deemed inappropriate will not be tolerated.

  8. Students are not to put any part of their body outside of the bus at any time.

  9. Students should not throw any objects inside or outside of the bus at any time.

  10. No fighting, smoking, eating or drinking on the bus.

  11. Students may not play any type of radio, iPod, or any other personal electronic device without headphones on the bus.

Bus drivers are to notify school authorities of any infraction of these rules. Students who misbehave on the bus may have transportation suspended.