Human Resources

The Brandywine Heights Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, ancestry, disability, union membership, or other legally protected classification. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws, including Title VI, Title IX and ADA.

We strive to facilitate positive employee relations through effective communication, guidance and exceptional customer service for every member of our Brandywine Heights Team.

Katharine Ege
Human Resources Specialist
610.682.5100 x1308

Andrea Hartline
Business Office & Benefits Specialist
610.682.5100 x1302

Shannon Coscia
Payroll Specialist
610.682.5100 x1301

The Human Resources Office is located in the Business Office, inside the Intermediate/Middle School Building

200 West Weis Street

Topton PA 19562

Benefit Inquiries:

Payroll Inquiries:

General Inquiries:

Confidential Fax: 610.682.5145

Employment Opportunities


Teachers | Substitute Teachers | Paraprofessionals

Custodians | Crossing Guards | Bus Drivers

Food Service Substitutes | Nurse Substitutes

Helpful Links

Staff Resources

Title IX Statement and Nondiscrimination Policies

Frontline Link
Absence Management (AESOP), Central, Time & Attendance (Veritime), and Professional Growth (MLP)

Volunteer and Helper Requirements

SMILES Program – Senior Motivators In Learning & Education Services (Senior Volunteer Tax Exchange Program)