Make Things Happen - become a substitute teacher

The Berks County Intermediate Unit offers a Guest Teacher Program for individuals who are interested in serving as substitute teachers in Berks County. The program is designed to provide participants with limited or no classroom experience with the necessary training to qualify as day-to-day substitutes. Anyone possessing a bachelor’s degree in any field from an accredited college or university is eligible to apply.

Guest Teacher training is offered at the BCIU main office in Muhlenberg Township, located at 1111 Commons Boulevard, Reading 19605. The program fee is $25.00, which includes the cost of the two-day training and the initial emergency permit fee.

The following application materials must be received by the application deadline. Late applications will not be accepted:
• PA Standard Teaching Application, including essay portion
• Two (2) personal or professional references
• $25.00 money order payable to BCIU (Sorry, no personal checks or cash accepted.)

Please mail application materials to:
Guest Teacher Program BCIU Human Resources P.O. Box 16050 Reading, PA 19612-6050

Once your application has been received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview on the designated interview date.

For more information on the BCIU Guest Teacher Program, contact Kelly Hollenbach at or 610-987-8476.